Flexible plans that scale to meet your needs

DataTrue has everything you expect from your enterprise data validation solution: dedicated support and account management combined with fully featured plans offering testing across unlimited domains.

Move from reactive data management to proactive data monitoring with the powerful DataTrue platform.


All packages are billed annually. All pricing shown in USD

All packages are billed annually. All pricing shown in USD

Frequently asked questions

Can I purchase additional support hours?

Customers on any plan are welcome to purchase additional support hours to suit their requirements.

What payment methods are supported?

We support credit card and direct payments.

Does DataTrue support single-page applications?

DataTrue is able to interact with single-page applications (SPAs) in the same way  that users interact with regular websites.

What support is provided?

All plans include limited initial setup support to aid the adoption of DataTrue.

Team plans include five hours of ongoing monthly support, while Enterprise plans include 10 hours. Additional hours may be purchased. Support hours can be used for such activities setting up and maintaining DataTrue tests and regular meetings to ensure success.

Additionally, all plans have access to ticketed support for troubleshooting.

Can I upgrade my plan?

If you are an existing customer who would like to upgrade your plan, please contact us on [email protected].

Can I integrate with third-party apps?

DataTrue offers APIs to users on our Team and Enterprise plans that provide programmatic access to DataTrue and can be used to create integrations.

We also provide a ready-made Google Data Studio connector to integrate with Google Data Studio.